Canton Rotary Club gears up for foreign exchange student
Rotary International was founded in 1905 in Chicago, and is the world’s oldest service club. The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise, and to encourage and foster the highest ethical standards in business and professions.
For more information about hosting a student, or becoming an exchange student, contact Stanko at 647-7567 or Tucker at 647-5917. The program is open to students ages 15 to 19.
Rotary Youth Exchange was first established in the 1920s in Denmark. It has grown to host more than 9,000 students yearly.
Foreign Exchange Market Commentary
USD/JPY closed higher due to short covering on Tuesday but remains below the 20-day moving average. The mid-range close sets the stage for a steady opening on Wednesday. Stochastics and the RSI remain bearish signalling that sideway to lower prices are possible near-term. If it extends Monday's decline, the reaction low crossing is the next downside target. Closes above the 10-day moving average crossing are needed to confirm that a short-term low has been posted.
GBP/USD closed lower on Tuesday as it continues to consolidate above the 20-day moving average crossing. The low-range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening on Wednesday. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bearish hinting that a short-term top might be in or is near. Closes below the reaction low crossing would temper the near-term friendly outlook. If it extends this month's rally, June's high crossing is the next upside target.
USD/CHF closed lower on Tuesday while extending this summer's trading range. A short covering rally tempered early losses and the mid-range close sets the stage for a steady opening on Wednesday. Stochastics and the RSI have turned bearish hinting that a short-term top might be in or is near. Closes below the 20-day moving average crossing would temper the near-term friendly outlook in the market. If it extends the rally off June's low, trading range resistance crossing is the next upside target.
Forex Trading Lesson Of The Week
Simple Forex Advice To Start Making Money Online
As the forex market becomes more and more popular, more people are jumping in and trying to come up with some miracle forex strategy that will make them a rich man overnight. A lot of rookies believe everything they read and do not take the time to weed out the bad information, and there is plenty of it, and then they end up taking a loss. If they would only take the time to do the right research, they would find the the concepts that produce profits are not brain surgery, they just take some time to develop.
That perfect forex system does not exist, get that out of your head right now. What works is good analysis that will enable you to spot a trend, not try and predict it. The quicker you are able to recognize the trend, the more money you can make. Leave the predictions up to the lady's on the boardwalk, there is no place for that in a successful forex traders toolbox.
The difference in taking advantage of a trend versus trying to predict the forex market is that you are getting in on something as it is moving in a positive direction, not trying to figure out which way it is going to go. If you find this quick enough, you will be able to make money as long as you can recognize when it is moving the other way. Unfortunately, that is usually a little easier to see because you will notice the negative number in your forex account. How you make the most of these trends is by educating yourself and make sure that you are making informed decisions.
After you have entered the market, make sure you establish a stop order. A stop order is your primary line of defense in preventing your losses from getting out of control on a bad deal. Once you see that you are in a bad deal, simply get out. It is going to happen and don't think that you are the one guy that can get that trade to turn around. Welfare lines are full of those guys. What you want to do is get out, analyze where you made a mistake and make sure that it doesn't happen again. If you have a stop mark that is effective, this will be a cheap lesson on what trends not to follow.
If you are looking for one certainty in the forex market, you can be assured that no man and no forex trading system is perfect. Everyone and every system will make a mistake at one point or another. A consistent analysis will still put money in your pocket though. This is not a race that you are trying to win, its money that is the key. Follow the trends and make the most of them. If you are doing good analysis, your wins will far outweigh your losses and after all, that is the goal isn't it?
There is one point that cannot be stressed enough, Do not ever try to predict the market. You may get a little lucky every now and then, but all that will do is assure you of taking some horrible losses down the line. You will get overconfident and start setting wider stop margins and the next thing you know, you are taking huge losses to your bankroll. Instead, play a safe 10% stop and spend your time researching and analyzing. When you start making money online and watch that bank account grow into an enormous sum, you will be glad you followed this simple advice.
Only a few days left to take advantage of GFT's account bonus
Only three days left for foreign exchange traders in the U.S. to take advantage of a special offer from GFT. We're offering an account bonus until July 31. Contact us via live chat now.
The $200 bonus is available to new GFT customers who open a standard trading account with a minimum balance of $2,500. However, GFT President and CEO Gary L. Tilkin said traders who open larger accounts may be eligible for even more perks.
"Traders with accounts larger than $2,500 will be not only receive this limited-time account bonus, but could also be eligible for even more bonuses through our new account packages program," he said. "It's quite appealing given that you get free tools, news and other benefits."
Forex News: Words say Everything - Its how you read them that changes the meaning
I did not, partly because it was obvious and partly because this story is getting old and tiresome as a re-run of a TV sitcom from the seventies. This, however, was the case yesterday as China’s Central Bank calmed the markets by declaring that their monetary reserve policy (and keep an eye on that word “monetary”) has not changed.
What they did not say was that they back the sovereign Dollar and love the idea that 2 Trillion Dollars worth of their assets are invested in the Dollar, but we will go back to this in a little bit.
Forex online junkies can recall not too long ago, when the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) met, there was a call by the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, to establish a global bond system through the IMF as an alternative to the Dollar. Later on he “clarified” his point by saying “in addition to” the Dollar.
Not too long before that, was the Russian Finance Minister in Italy making a comment about how the world needs a new reserve currency as the Dollar “has become debt weighted” and a day later the statement again was “clarified” by Moscow which said that the Dollar is and will be the primary Russian reserve for a while (specifically because the IMF bond will take a few years to implement – but not many actually realized that).
This pattern of jab and retreat has played out time and again, and it is because the knee jerk reaction to the Dollars vulnerability and the second world’s absolute resentment of the US has caused conflict in Central Banks around the world.
The fact is, even the retractions are not retractions. Let me go back to the word “monetary” that the Chinese Central Bank used, and let us look at some facts. Now, while their policy might not have changed, being that the proportions of their holdings were left intact, their reserve policy as a whole has shifted to include tangible assets. And thus, the dollar dump has begun…
China, which held over 2 Trillion Dollars in Dollar related Assets in January – about 50% of their reserves, has been using those dollars to purchase raw materials, natural resources and precious metals. In fact, China has gone on such a spending spree, they now accounts for nearly 50% of Australia’s natural resource commodity exports, one of the reasons why Australia is not doing so bad considering the rest of the world.
It is not that the Chinese have changed their monetary policy – the proportions might still be the same, however they seem to have changed their overall reserve policy – opting for things rather than paper.
Russia is also playing this game, only 1 year ago they had about a 1/3rd of their currency reserves in the US Dollar with the total reserves that they had estimated at around 800 Billion. Today, Russia still maintains about 1/3rd of their reserves in the USD, but their overall reserves have shrunk to an estimated 500 Billion.
Oddly enough, their Gold, Platinum and Silver holdings have increase by about 250 Billion Dollars – meaning that they have been diversifying their overall reserves with commodities – just like the Chinese.
What does this mean for Forex traders? It means simply that there is a target on the USD – and while the US’s creditors are trying to find a way out, they need to do so delicately so, as not to disrupt the value of the US on the Forex – a weak Dollar does them no good.
But, as they continue to “diversify” their holdings, keep in mind that more Dollars get added to the market system – watering down the value and inflating the currency. I would anticipate a 5-10% minimum inflation rate in the US in the couple of years – I personally think it could get even higher than that.
As the BRIC’s throw Bricks and then claim ‘it was an accident” the next day – the plans are in the works to dethrone the Dollar. It is coming, be prepared.
Forex News: China, Unemployment and Oil conspire against the Dollar
The street expected about 360,000 jobs were lost, a nice decline and a sign that things might be getting better. However, ADP, the largest payroll processing service in the US, reported that 470,000+ jobs have been “removed from the payrolls” of the companies that ADP services.
Keep in mind that ADP does not service everyone – there are other services and many small businesses do the payrolls by themselves. So it is not out of bounds to think that this number, 470,000 will be higher. For the Dollar, a higher number can be damaging but it is not the only threat to the greenback.
Yesterday, China called for an open debate at next weeks G8 Summit on the viability of another global reserve currency being established. This is a blow to the US efforts to keep the debate out of the IMF and World Bank boardrooms, as they and Britain control the flow at those institutions.
The voices are becoming louder and the masking of their intentions are becoming less – China has now entered the point of no return, the point at which they have firmly committed themselves towards establishing a new world financial order, in which the Dollar is no longer king.
The Dollar fell on this news and the shock from ADP – ironically, the US stock markets rose late in the day. Forex Online traders and Forex chat rooms were abuzz with the news, however the US governments official stance is that ADP’s numbers are NOT official and do not necessarily reflect the non-farms payroll number.
And while the US stock investors seemed to gobble this up, those Forex online traders did not. And I say: good for them.
This is the story that does not die, and it won’t for a while. But as we see the US’s hopes for a second half recovery fading – we should look at the opportunities that are out there for us.
I am still bullish on the Aussie and I am starting to like the Canadian Dollar. As Oil prices rise, as tensions in the middle east drive that precious commodity up, I see opportunity knocking. And I hope everyone is there to answer the door with me.
XL Capital 2Q profit drops 66 percent
Hamilton, Bermuda-based XL Capital reported net income of $79.9 million, or 23 cents a share, for the three months ended June 30. In the same period in 2008, the company said it earned $237.9 million, or $1.33 a share.
Revenue fell 18.8 percent to $1.73 billion from $2.12 billion a year ago.
Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters expected earnings of $217 million, or 62 cents per share, on revenue of $1.71 billion.
"This was another turbulent quarter for foreign exchange markets," Chief Executive Officer, Michael S. McGavick, said in a statement.
The U.S. Dollar Index lost more than 6 percent during the second quarter, sapping the buying power of companies that do business overseas. XL Capital, the parent company for numerous commercial insurance businesses in 27 countries, said the weaker dollar resulted in an after-tax loss of $132.6 million.
The company also said its profit was hit by a drop in net investment income of $112 million, compared with the second quarter of 2008.
XL Capital reported its earnings after the market closed. Its stock increased 41 cents, or 3 percent, to $14 in aftermarket trading. In the regular session, the stock fell 23 cents to close at $13.59.
Currency-Trading Revival May Take Years After Slide

July 28 (Bloomberg) -- Currency-trading volumes may take years to recover after a plunge in risk appetite sparked by the global financial crisis drove away hedge funds and speculators, according to foreign-exchange analysts.
Daily trading in London dropped 25 percent in April from a year earlier, with volumes in North America slumping 26 percent, according to surveys released yesterday by the Bank of England and Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Trade in Tokyo slid 16 percent, data compiled by the Foreign Exchange Market Committee in Tokyo showed.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in September sent markets into a tailspin, prompting a flight from higher- yielding assets into currencies considered a refuge such as the dollar and the yen. While risk appetite is reviving on speculation the worst of the recession is over, a return to pre- crisis volumes won’t happen soon, said Geoff Kendrick at UBS AG.
“It’s probably going to be a multi-year adjustment process,” said Kendrick, a strategist in London at the bank, the world’s second-biggest currency trader, according to Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc. “Hedge funds have been impacted the most.”
The drop in London trading was “largely accounted” for by a 28 percent decline in spot trading, the Bank of England said.
U.K. Trading
The dollar was the most heavily traded currency with an 84 percent share of U.K. turnover in April, according to the Bank of England survey. The euro’s share declined to 45 percent from 48.6 in October, while the pound’s proportion was unchanged at 18.7 percent. As two currencies are involved in the transactions, the sum of the proportions totals 200 percent, the bank said.
Foreign-exchange trading rose to $3.2 trillion a day on average in the three years prior to the Bank for International Settlements’ September 2007 triennial survey.
Lower volumes in foreign-exchange markets contributed to bigger price swings as liquidity dropped, according to Ulrich Leuchtmann, head of foreign-exchange research in Frankfurt at Commerzbank AG, Germany’s second-biggest lender.
Currency trading may be reviving, said Satoru Ogasawara, a foreign-exchange analyst and economist at Credit Suisse Group AG, the largest Swiss bank by market value.
“Trade is gradually improving, which should be very supportive of the foreign-exchange market,” said Ogasawara in Tokyo. “The worst period is over and the decline in volume in foreign-exchange trading has hit bottom.”
Dollar Debate Misses at G8, but Criticism is still there
Germany, one of the US’s staunchest supporters during the Bush years, have chilled that relationship and have become more openly critical of the Obama administration. In the past, when the German government had a problem with the US’s policies, you read about it weeks after it had been sorted out, George W. Bush had a great relationship with the German Chancellor Merkel, and it showed.
It is ironic. Obama’s social philosophy is more aligned with the German’s and much of Western Europe for that matter, Bush was far to the right of where Europe was. However, we are seeing a spate of discontent from the Western European leaders at the Obama policies – and this is most evident in the words and silence of Germany.
Long-time Forex traders know this to be true as in the past, we did not see the spikes we do today in the Dollar, after a European leader gives a speech, today it is routine.
In the absence of the BRIC debate on a global reserve currency, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, filled in nicely and spoke of how the focus of many nations vital to the economic stability of the world has been on reliving mistakes of years past.
By assuming the policies of stimulating the economy through a broad array of spending programs, a tactic that was employed and failed in 1933, the rising debt has been ignored and has grown in such a manner, that the entire world is now under threat of jeopardy in more profound manner.
Merkel’s concerns are valid and Forex online traders need to keep this in mind when dealing in the Dollar. As we have seen, the Japanese Yen has been profiting nicely from the return of safe-haven flows where it usually took a secondary role to the Dollar in this capacity.
The Dollar is volatile, more than ever before, because traders as well as the long-term investors are unsure of which way to go. Sentiment keeps us in the Dollar, but reality forces us to look away.
I believe the next three months are vital to determining which way the pendulum will swing for the Dollar – and it starts with the criticism of a European leader that an American policy is too liberal. Go figure.
Aussie and US Dollars rally - One on good news and one for bad
The Dollar recovered on Tuesday off its lowest level of the year against a basket of currencies, as a steep drop in US consumer confidence raised concerns over the pace of the economic recovery.
This brought back safe-haven flows into the USD and helped pick the Dollar up, after hitting new lows in the past week.
The ICE Futures US Dollar index, which measures the performance of the USD against six of the major currencies, rose to near 79. Earlier, the ICE had fallen to a low of 78.315, the lowest level it had seen since early December.
At 11:00PM GMT, the Dollar was up .43% to the Euro 1.4169, up .3% to the British Pound to 1.6437, up .15% to the Canadian Dollar to 1.0826, and up .5% to the Swiss Franc to .8284.
The Australian Dollar rallied in the Forex market, after Australia's Central Bank governor fuelled speculation that they might be raising interest rates in the coming months.
Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens commented that the risks to the economy were more balanced and manageable, and that low interest rates could create a housing bubble crisis. This was the clearest sign that the ACB was through with its quantitative easing policy.
At 11:15PM GMT, the Aussie was up .7% to the USD to .8275 after hitting an 11 month high of .8338. The Aussie was also up 1.1% to the Euro to 1.7117, up .3% to the Japanese Yen to 78.38 and up .4% to the New Zealand Dollar to 1.256.
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Forex Trading Update: U.S. Dollar Index is Setting the Tone
Currently the U.S. Dollar Index has been contained in a very harmonic price action pattern. Its structural formation is much cleaner than any currency pair amongst the top five. If the 80.70 level does not reject on a 1 hour candle (currently 80.24) then indeed the US Dollar is in for a multi-week bullish pattern which is likely to show very aggressively in the EUR/USD and GBP/USDS. The Index is perched on support immediately at 84.20 with key but critical support at 79.50 in view.
I would prefer to see the EUR/USD and GBP/USD make one more blush at higher resistance before developing a potentially aggressive bear pattern. The EUR/USD game is a 3980/3900 yardstick and then we should have a verdict.
Resistances: immediate at 1.3957-77, 1.3997, 1.4008, 4037-55, 1.4079, 1.4103-4149, 1.4200 and then 1.4300
Supports: immediate at 1.3928-14/07, 1.3883-64, 3853, 1.3780, 1.3743, 1.3670 and then 1.3349
We have Forex Market Timing Alerts for price action on:
Monday July 13th 12:40 a.m. – 1:15 a.m. for 3.5 hours duration moderate price action
Monday July 13th 5:50 a.m. - 6:25 a.m. for 2.75 hours with moderate price action
Please feel free to make questions or comments or review the links below:
Another Duality We Just Cannot Afford

I spoke yesterday about a duality that exists when Central Bank figure heads, like Ben Bernanke and Jean-Claude Trichet of the US and EU Central Banks, Respectively, straddle political affiliations with fair representations of their economies.
My assessment yesterday was that both of them have toned down their views to appeal to a political agenda, rather than giving accurate interpretations of what is going on. One week they say this, and one week they say that was the thought.
Yet, after Chairman Bernanke gave his report to Congress yesterday, he seemed to play both cards on the same day – in the span of an hour, in front of the same panel, painting optimism and caution all at once.
In his remarks, the Fed Chairman said that he believes that the economy is moving along well for the situation and that he feels that the US can and will see growth in the coming months – that the recovery is poised to begin in the latter part of 2009.
Yet, only 15 minutes later he began to speak of a high unemployment rate, one that is at levels that were unanticipated, one that is expected to continue to grow through the end of the year.
He also spoke of a tight credit market which is squeezing consumers, even ones who traditionally have had great credit are finding it hard to manage in this climate. He spoke of record low real-estate prices which inhibit refinancing and have caused many relying on income from property bought at high prices to take monthly losses from leases and rental agreements.
As Mr. Bernanke spoke, the Dollar, which was down most of the day on a continued risk appetite rally, turned upward, then downward, then upward again – as if the Forex traders and those Forex online professionals tracking his words on the internet could not figure out where he was going.
This is a problem, a big one as I see it, because Mr. Bernanke’s role was, traditionally, to sober up the euphoria that exists or confirm that all is OK – not paint two pictures with one speech.
His predecessor, Alan Greenspan, was noted for his “party-pooping” ways – not giving in the political agenda’s of the administrations he served under – he served four presidents from Reagan to Bush 2.
Greenspan called the internet bubble two years before it happened – “irrational exuberance” he called the fervor with which public offerings were being valuated. He criticized presidential policy when he thought it was harming the economy – like with his testimony in Congress over Bill Clinton’s proposed health care reform – which ultimately failed before it even got to a vote in Congress.
This is the kind of honest and unbiased judgments the Central Bank chair needs to give – and what Bernanke did was coddle the administration of Obama, colluding with them so as not to cause any panic that might jeopardize Obama’s policy initiatives.
Forex traders are becoming less trustful of the Central Bank heads, and it is a problem as this is how fundamental trading is done. It used to be a reliable source of information that would directly affect the currencies of a specific country – now it is taken in stride like a stump speech before an election.
Obama is looking to overhaul the Health Care system by pushing through a bill that will cost more than 1 Trillion Dollar according to the Congressional Budget Office.
This is a bill he has even acknowledged that he has not read – and is making contradictory statements about what it contains because he really has no idea what is in it.
A dire economic outlook would kill it – and trust me, it is losing support by the day right now. Bernanke for his part, is up for re-nomination in January. It is widely expected that Obama’s senior political advisor, Larry Summers, will be the one tapped for the role instead of Bernanke, who was a Bush 2 appointee.
Bernanke would serve his job better, serve the people of America better and serve the Forex traders better if he would focus on his current job, and not worry about keeping it come next year. Chances are, he is not even in the running now anyway, and all this back and forth to help Obama is not going to change that.
Stock markets are rising? Look at the Big Picture!

With many of the primary stock markets reaching yearly highs, it would appear that optimism about the prospects for a global recovery is high. The increase in overall risk appetite in the Forex and the jump in stocks have been incredibly impressive.
According to the news reports, these shifts in sentiment have been driven higher by better than expected corporate earnings out of the US along with good economic data. But something is just not adding up for me, and I am not quite sure where to place my disbelief.
It is odd that just as the markets are flying, bond yields for the major economic countries, the US, Japan, England etc, are going higher. Now obviously this is due in part to trader speculation that once the recovery takes hold, these countries will have no choice but to start raising their low rates.
But what concerns me is the effect of quantitative easing that many of these countries employed. Funnelling money into the system at such a large rate as many of these countries had, will no doubt cause mild to moderate inflation – which would require lower rates. So what is going on?
Last week gave us a clue that all is not so rosy though. England reported a weaker-than-expected GDP figures for the second quarter – much weaker than expected to be specific.
Perhaps the Brits are not fudging their numbers like the Americans are – not that I know anything for a fact, but it wont surprise me to find that out in a few months.
This week's vast amount of economic data coming out of Europe and the US should help paint a better picture. I fully expect sugar-coating, but I know that the Forex traders will be keen to pick up on that.
Among the core numbers to look for this week are the US GDP and the Chicago Purchasing Managers Index. Consumer Confidence and Housing Prices along with New Home Sales numbers are important, but this is where my scepticism is most pronounced as we have seen anomalies in these numbers in recent months and they are easier to manipulate – so keep a sharp eye out there.
I expect the general tone of this week's data to support the recent signs of improvement. It remains to be seen, however, whether the outturns will be sufficient to maintain the bullish momentum as we head into August. Short of very strong numbers, I doubt it will happen.
Look for a weaker week in the Dollar and look for the Aussie and Kiwi to be the beneficiaries of that.
What is Forex (Foreign Exchange)?

Foreign Exchange (FOREX) is the arena where a nation's currency is exchanged for that of another. The foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world, with the equivalent of over $1.9 trillion changing hands daily; more than three times the aggregate amount of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location and no central exchange (off-exchange). It operates through a global network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another. The lack of a physical exchange enables the Forex market to operate on a 24-hour basis, spanning from one zone to another in all the major financial centers.
Traditionally, retail investors' only means of gaining access to the foreign exchange market was through banks that transacted large amounts of currencies for commercial and investment purposes. Trading volume has increased rapidly over time, especially after exchange rates were allowed to float freely in 1971. Today, importers and exporters, international portfolio managers, multinational corporations, speculators, day traders, long-term holders and hedge funds all use the FOREX market to pay for goods and services, transact in financial assets or to reduce the risk of currency movements by hedging their exposure in other markets.
MG Financial, now operating in over 100 countries, serves all manner of clients, comprising speculators and strategic traders. Whether it’s day-traders looking for short-term gains, or fund managers wanting to hedge their non-US assets, MG's DealStation™ allows them to participate in FOREX trading by providing a combination of live quotes, Real-Time charts, and news and analysis that attracts traders with an orientation towards fundamental and/or technical analysis.
the foreign exchange (currency or forex, or FX) market is the and the most liquid financial market with the daily volume of more than $3.2 trillion. Trading on this market involves buying and selling world currencies taking the profit from the exchange rates difference. Forex trading can yield high profits, but it is also very risky. Everyone can participate in Forex trading via the Forex brokers.
Don’t forget to check and bookmark my Forex blog to get the latest updates about Forex market and this site’s content. You can also join a friendly Forex traders community at the Forex Forum.
Market Research

Market research - Market is a location where trading is carried out by people. It follows the theory of supply and demand. Market research includes a form of applied sociological study which concentrates on understanding the behaviors and preferences, mostly current and future, of consumers in a market-based economy.
Market research - What would one do before introduction a new company or a new product or before buying shares in the market, smart person is said to be the one who does market research. This gives him rough idea of what are the problems he is going to face in future and can think over it in advance. Market research is necessary for any sort of business. It helps us to be familiar with the market conditions, desire of consumers and rules laid out by Government. Market research - Also you know number of competitors and their hold in a market, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other factors that make up the business environment.
Market research - Involves a systematic, objective collection and analysis of data about your niche markets in order to gain an in-depth understanding of its various aspects like industry audience, competition and prevalent trends therein. Market research processes include accumulation of a variety of related and non-related facts that are further used to create meaningful and relevant information that helps support business decisions.
Market survey research : What makes a market survey research a good survey? There is no simple answer to this question, and it is not one aspect, but various aspects together that make for a good piece of research. Indeed, market research is very much a balancing act where the researcher often has to deal with decisions that have conflicting consequences. Market survey research - the researcher needs to balance out the various elements to ensure that much of what is gained on the swings is not lost on the roundabouts.
Market survey research - While online marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of the marketing mix, the very basis for its success is often ignored. Many companies are jumping straight into conducting online marketing campaigns without doing the upfront hard work of market research.
Market research analyst: Prior to a service or product being launched, a lot of research is required about exactly where and how to do it. Market research analyst collects data on national, regional, and local levels to discover the potential sales of a service or product. Market research analyst: -they put together sets of questions and get people to answer them. Launching a service or products involves high expenses, so it is a high priority to find out if it will be a failure or success, hence as industry continues to grow, so will the demand for Market research analyst.
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Stock Averages and Brokers
Every day on the Stock market news we hear about the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and other averages like the S&P 500 or The Russell 2000. These are the broad market averages designed to tell you how companies traded on the stock market are doing in general. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is simply the average value of 30 large industrial stocks. Big companies like General Motors, Goodyear, IBM and Exxon are the companies that make up this index. The S&P 500 is the average value of 500 large companies. The Russel 2000 index averages the values of 2,000 smaller companies.
These averages tell you the general health of stock prices as a whole. If the economy is doing well,the prices of stocks as a whole tend to rise in what is referred to as a "bull market" but If it is doing poorly, prices as a group start to fall in what is called a "bear market". The averages reveal these tendencies of rising and falling prices of stock in the market as a whole.
There are three big stock exchanges in the United States:
NYSE - New York Stock Exchange
AMEX - American Stock Exchange
NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers
Stock in a company that does not meet the requirements of an exchange to get listed are called Over The Counter (OTC)stocks and are sold over the counter as its name.
Stock broker:
If you want to buy or sell stock, you don't have to go to stock exchanges like NYSE or AMEX. You can just call an agent who is authorized to trade at the exchange generally called Stock broker in a firm who will deal on behalf of you.And in a return,You need to pay stock broker a commission (generally $10 to $100 per trade, depending on the broker).
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Dollar Falls Toward Seven-Weak Low Against Euro On Stock Rally

July 28 -- The dollar fell toward its lowest level in seven weeks against the euro as Asian stocks extended a global rally, adding to evidence investors are shifting to higher-yielding assets.
The Australian dollar rose for a third day against the greenback after the Reserve Bank of Australia said the South Pacific nation’s economy may rebound faster than it forecast six months ago. The euro approached a three-week high against the yen after Deutsche Bank AG said second-quarter profit rose 68 percent, beating analysts’ estimates, on increased revenue from trading bonds and stocks.
“Rising share prices will make it easier for investors to take more risks,” said Toshiya Yamauchi, manager of the foreign-exchange margin trading department in Tokyo at Ueda Harlow Ltd. “Under such circumstances, the dollar and the yen will weaken, especially against the currencies of resource-rich nations and emerging markets.”
The dollar declined to $1.4275 per euro as of 7:05 a.m. in London from $1.4232 in New York yesterday, when it touched $1.4298, the lowest level since June 3. The U.S. currency was at 95.13 yen from 95.18 yen.
The euro rose to 135.80 yen from 135.48 yen yesterday, when it reached 136.10 yen, the strongest since July 2. The U.S. dollar fell to as low as C$1.0761 today, its weakest versus Canada’s dollar since Oct. 3.
MSCI’s Asia Pacific index of regional shares rose for an 11th day, the longest winning streak since January 2004, adding to evidence investor risk-appetite is increasing. The index climbed 0.9 percent today.
Dollar Index
The Dollar Index was near the lowest level this year before a report that economists said will show U.S. home prices fell at a slower pace in May, indicating that the American economy is recovering and demand for safe haven currencies will fall.
The S&P/Case Shiller index of 20 major metropolitan areas, scheduled for release today, will show property values fell 17.9 percent in May from a year earlier, according to a Bloomberg News survey of economists. The measure was down 18.1 percent in the 12 months ended April.
The Dollar Index, which the ICE uses to track the greenback against currencies including the yen, pound and Swedish krona, was at 78.476 from 78.626 yesterday, near this year’s low of 78.334 on June 2
The Australian dollar climbed after RBA Governor Glenn Stevens said it appears “that the downturn we are having may turn out not to be one of the more serious ones of the postwar era, in contrast to the experiences of so many other countries.”
Upside Risks
“We can much more easily imagine upside risks to the outlook, to balance out the downside ones, than was the case six month ago,” the Reserve Bank chief said in Sydney today.
Stevens left the benchmark lending rate at 3 percent on July 7 for a third month amid signs the lowest borrowing costs in half a century and government spending helped the nation skirt a recession.
“With Australia’s economy apparently doing well, there may be no more scope for interest-rate cuts,” said Masashi Kurabe, head of currency sales and trading in Hong Kong at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., a unit of Japan’s biggest publicly traded bank. “Higher-yielding currencies such as Australia’s dollar will likely be popular, with demand from people in countries with low yields such as Japan.”
Benchmark interest rates of 8.75 percent in Brazil and 0.25 percent in Sweden compare with 0.1 percent in Japan and as low as zero in the U.S.
The Australian dollar rose to 83.02 U.S. cents from 82.27 cents yesterday, and advanced to 78.97 yen from 78.31 yen.
Deutsche Earnings
The euro gained for a fourth day against the yen after Germany’s largest bank said in a statement today net income rose to 1.09 billion euros ($1.55 billion), or 1.64 euros a share, from 649 million euros, or 1.27 euros, a year earlier. Deutsche Bank’s earnings exceeded the 944 million-euro median estimate of 13 analysts surveyed.
“The bank’s results were better than expected,” said Lee Wai Tuck, a currency strategist at Forecast Pte in Singapore. “The latest upmove in the euro could be due to this.”
Deutsche Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann said the banking industry and financial markets stabilized in the quarter, propelling a fourfold gain in income from debt sales and an improvement in equity trading.
Losses in the yen against the dollar were tempered on speculation Japanese exporters are taking advantage of the currency’s drop in the past week to repatriate earnings from overseas assets before the month-end.
Japanese Exporters
“Exporters are prone to buy the yen, given that the end of the month is near,” said Yuji Saito, head of the foreign- exchange group in Tokyo at Societe Generale, France’s third- largest bank.
Japanese companies forecast the yen would average 94.85 per dollar in the 12 months to March 2010, according to the Bank of Japan’s quarterly Tankan survey released July 1.
Adding to pressure on the dollar, China’s Assistant Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said on the first day of bilateral talks with U.S. officials that his government remains “concerned” about the value of its U.S. assets.
Zhu’s remarks come after repeated public assurances by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that the U.S. is committed to reining in a record budget deficit once an economic recovery is secured. China is the biggest foreign investor in U.S. government debt, and any decline in demand could push up borrowing costs.
“China has massive holdings of Treasuries, so it is obviously worried,” said Masanobu Ishikawa, general manager of foreign exchange at Tokyo Forex & Ueda Harlow Ltd., Japan’s largest currency broker. “Any diversification away from the dollar could be gradual, and the greenback may weaken a bit.”
U.S. Markets Wrap: Stocks Increase as Treasuries, Dollar Fall
Centex Corp. rallied 9.1 percent to lead a gauge of homebuilders in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to an almost three-month high, and Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. also climbed. Aetna and RadioShack lost at least 2.7 percent each.
The S&P 500 added 0.3 percent to 982.18 at 4:10 p.m. in New York, the highest level since Nov. 4. They increased 15.27 points, or 0.2 percent, to 9,108.51. The Russell 2000 Index added 0.4 percent to 550.88, the highest close since Oct. 14.
“When you’ve got a good rally, people want to jump in,” said Jonathan Vyorst, senior vice president at New York-based Paradigm Capital Management Inc., which oversees about $1.5 billion. “The potential for mediocre earnings is out there. But if there are a couple good surprises, the market will likely take off.”
The Dow average surged 12 percent in the two weeks before today after companies including Caterpillar Inc. and 3M Co. reported earnings that beat estimates and a gain in existing home sales added to signs the recession is easing. The S&P 500 ended July 24 at its most expensive valuation since September, trading for 16.23 times profit from the past year.
The Commerce Department reported U.S. new-home sales climbed the most in eight years in June, in a sign the deepest housing slump since The Great Deal is starting to stabilize.
Treasury Auctions
Treasuries fell, pushing the yield on the 10-year note to the highest in over a month, as the U.S. began selling a record $115 billion in notes. The U.S. sold $6 billion in 20-year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities at a yield of 2.387 percent, higher than forecast. The Treasury will sell 2-, 5-, and 7-year notes over three days starting tomorrow.
The yield on the benchmark 10-year note rose six basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 3.72 percent at 2:55 p.m. in New York, according to BGCantor Market Data. It touched 3.76 percent, the most since June 22. The 3.125 percent security maturing in May 2019 fell 15/32, or $4.69 per $1,000 face amount, to 95 5/32.
The dollar traded near the lowest level this year against the currencies of six major U.S. trading partners on speculation the global economy is shaking off the worst recession since World War II, sapping safety demand.
Daily Technical Analysis
EURUSD Outlook
The EURUSD mad indecisive movement yesterday. The pair attempted to push higher, hit a seven week high at 1.4297 but closed lower at 1.4242. We are getting closer to the key level 1.4336. Only a clear break above that area should give us a bullish view towards 1.4719 area. Until that happen, I still prefer to keep stay out. We have been patiently waiting for several weeks now so it should not be a problem to wait just a little more (I hope). Immediate support at 1.4150. Break below that area should trigger further bearish pressure towards 1.4050
GBPUSD Outlook
The GBPUSD attempted to push lower yesterday, bottomed at 1.6380 but further bearish pressure was rejected as the pair whipsawed to the upside, hit the top at 1.6522 and closed at 1.6490. On h4 chart below we can see that it was a case of a false breakout from the rising wedge formation. The bias is neutral both in nearest and medium term. Immediate resistance at 1.6590. Initial support at 1.6380. Break below that area should trigger further bearish momentum.
USDJPY Outlook
The USDJPY had a moderate bullish momentum yesterday. The pair has been able to stay above key level 94.60 in the last three days. The bias is bullish in nearest term testing 96.05 area but remains neutral in medium term. CCI almost cross the 100 line on h4 chart suggesting potential upside pressure
USDCHF Outlook
The USDCHF made indecisive movement yesterday, formed a Doji formation on Daily chart. On h4 chart below we also have triangle formation indicating consolidation. We have no clear direction so far, so stay away from the market. Immediate resistance at 1.0750. Consistent move above that area should trigger further bullish pressure towards 1.0900. Initial support at 1.0620. CCI in neutral area on h4 chart
EURJPY Outlook
The EURJPY had a bullish momentum yesterday. The pair breakout from the triangle, topped at 136.08 and closed at 135.59. This fact should set up bullish view for us. The bias is bullish in nearest term targeting 138.90 area. However CCI in overbought area and heading down on h4 chart so watch out for a potential downside rebound testing 134.90. Break below that area should lead us back into no trading zone.
GBPJPY Outlook
The GBPJPY had a bullish momentum yesterday, topped at 157.45 and closed at 156.95. The bias is bullish in nearest term. However, on h4 chart below we seem to have good resistance around 157.59, a double top formation which suggests potential downside rebound testing 156.00 area. Break below that area should be seen as potential threat to the bullish outlook. Break above 157.59 should trigger further bullish momentum targeting 158.50.
AUSUSD Outlook
The AUDUSD had a bullish momentum yesterday, topped at 0.8258 and closed at 0.8229. We are in critical point now and about to see whether this bullish momentum is strong enough to break above 0.8261 area and set up a bullish view for us towards 0.8500 area. Immediate support at 0.8170/50 area. Break below that area should trigger further bearish momentum
Gold Bounces Back to $950/oz

Gold has popped back above $950/oz to our 1st tier downtrend line as the previous metal builds a new psychological base. However, we do notice some rising action to the downside for a couple hours yesterday, so investors should monitor volume over the next couple sessions to see where interest lies.
While gold is tempted to pop higher towards June 10th highs and our 3rd tier downtrend line, investors are standing on the sideline as they monitor the S&P’s interaction with its own psychological 950 level. Gold and U. S. equities are positively correlated, so any immediate-term breakout past 950 and 2009 highs in the S&P’s could result in sizable gains in the precious metal.
Near-term momentum is in favor of the uptrend even though the market as a whole is has experienced some hesitation from investors over the past 24 hours. We notice similar consolidation in both the EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Therefore, today’s session could be important in determining whether gold takes the next step to the upside, or opts for near-term downward consolidation. Gold has our 1st and 2nd tier uptrend and 1st tier downtrend lines to fall back on along with July 20 lows.
Copyright 2009 FastBrokers, Latest Forex News and Analysis for Forex, Bullion and Commodity Traders.
Disclaimer: For information purposes only. FastBrokers assumes no responsibility or liability from gains or losses incurred by the information herein contained. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading futures and foreign exchange.
Ranbaxy Profit Rises Sharply Amid Foreign-Exchange Gains
The India-based company also retained its financial guidance for the year, even as it said it expects to meet soon with U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials to move forward on the resolution of pending regulatory issues with the agency.
Consolidated profit for the quarter ended June 30 rose to 6.93 billion rupees ($144 million) from 229 million rupees a year earlier, helped by foreign-exchange gains of 8.07 billion rupees, Ranbaxy said.
Ranbaxy, a unit of Daiichi Sankyo Co. of Japan, had reported losses in the past three sequential quarters, hit by unfavorable currency bets, regulatory problems in the U.S. -- its largest market -- and the global economic slowdown.
The company is vulnerable to currency volatility because of the high level of hedged positions on foreign-currency billings and the large size of its overseas loans.
It booked losses when the rupee fell against the U.S. dollar earlier this year. However, with the rupee rising about 6% against the dollar during the quarter, the company said it has substantially reversed the marked-to-market losses booked in the January-March quarter. Ranbaxy had outstanding foreign-exchange derivative contracts of $1.2 billion at the end of June.
Excluding foreign-exchange gains, profit after tax was 633 million rupees in the second quarter. Consolidated sales fell 1.9% to 17.95 billion rupees from a year earlier, the company said.
"Our focus remains on profits and cash flow, especially given the global recession," Chief Executive and Managing Director Atul Sobti said at a news conference. He said Ranbaxy won't as yet make changes to its forecast of a loss of about eight billion rupees on sales of 70 billion rupees for 2009.
Mr. Sobti said a higher revenue contribution from emerging markets and good cost controls helped the company offset pressures from higher expenditure on regulatory compliance and other costs.
The company's results for the quarter included a severance payment of 480 million rupees to Malvinder Singh, who stepped down as chairman, CEO and managing director in May. Daiichi Sankyo representative Tsutomu Une took over as Ranbaxy chairman.
The management shuffle, which effectively removed members of the company's founding family, was seen as a step by Daiichi Sankyo to strengthen its control and accelerate the revival of operations by resolving FDA issues.
Ranbaxy's declining sales in the U.S. -- which slid 41% to 3.03 billion rupees in the quarter -- is a fallout of last September's ban on the import of more than 30 generic drugs into the U.S. because of manufacturing violations at the company's Dewas and Paonta Sahib plants.
"The cooperation with the FDA is continuing," Mr. Sobti said. He said the company will soon write to FDA officials, inviting them to re-inspect the Dewas plant. He also expects to hear from the FDA this month on its "corrective action plan" for the Paonta Sahib plant.
Asia Shares End Up; Nikkei Rises 9th Straight Session
Japanese shares rose for a ninth straight session, marking their longest winning streak in more than 20 years, while Shanghai's benchmark index reached its best closing level in nearly 14 months.
The Nikkei 225 Average jumped 1.5% to 10088.66 in Tokyo, ending above the 10000-point level for the first time since mid-June. China's Shanghai Composite advanced into a fourth session to end up 1.9% at 3435.21, a closing level it hasn't seen since early June 2008.
"I don't really see guys steaming into the market right now. We're approaching bubble territory, but I don't feel like we're there yet," said Ben Collett, head of cash equities at TFS Derivatives in Hong Kong.
"The moves here have been massive. Arguably, they've been excessive relative to Europe or U.S., but if you want to look at growth, fundamentals across Asia are better."
Toll-road operator Sichuan Expressway rocketed on its debut in Shanghai, more than tripling from its initial public offering price of 3.60 yuan (53 U.S. cents) to end at CNY10.90 on a buying frenzy. The stock surged as high as CNY15.25 during the session and trading had to be suspended twice due to their "unusual" performance.
"Sichuan Expressway's debut is adding steam to the market's frenzy," said Jacky Zhang at CSC International.
The performance lifted Sichuan's Hong Kong-listed shares 5.6%. The benchmark Hang Seng Index, meanwhile, rose 1.4% to end at 20251.62 - its first finish above the psychologically-crucial 20000-point level since September.
Elsewhere, Australia's S&P/ASX 200 Index ended 1.2% higher, South Korea's Kospi gained 1.4%, New Zealand's NZX-50 added 1.2%, Taiwan's Taiex rose 0.8% and Singapore's Straits Times closed up 1.7%. India's Sensex ended flat with market heavyweight Reliance Industries falling 3.7% after its weaker-than-expected fiscal first-quarter results on Friday.
"The positive undercurrent is still very strong," said Gabriel Gan, AmFraser senior vice president of equity sales.
Dow Jones Industrial Average futures were up 20 points in screen trade recently, after a mixed performance on Wall Street on Friday.
Investors were looking forward to coming events, including high-level talks between China and the U.S., and advance U.S. second quarter gross domestic product data.
"People say the rally is going to fade, but that's rubbish. There's obviously cash coming in from the sidelines and I'm seeing very little resistance," said Southern Cross Equities Director Charlie Aitken.
Nomura Holdings rose 3.1% in Tokyo and Daiwa Securities added 4.5%, after the Nikkei newspaper reported Japan's three biggest brokerages - Nomura, Daiwa and Nikko Cordial - were likely to have turned a profit in the fiscal first quarter ended June.
Hitachi rose 3.4% with strong trading volumes. A spokesman said the Japanese electronics maker was reviewing its capital relationship with its units in general, but declined to comment on a Nikkei report that Hitachi planned to turn five listed group firms into wholly-owned units.
Clarion, which is 63.7% owned by Hitachi, jumped 13.6%, accompanied by heavy trading volumes.
But Japanese shipping companies lost ground after cutting full-year forecasts, with Nippon Yusen down 4.6%, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines down 3.5% and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha off 4%.
China Everbright surged 11.3% in Hong Kong, supported by news China Everbright Securities had final permission for its yuan-denominated Class A share raising from Chinese regulators.
Aluminum Corp. of China, or Chalco, shook off early weakness to advance 8.1% in Shanghai and 4.5% in Hong Kong, despite warning it could swing to a net loss in the first half on insufficient demand and low aluminum prices. Analysts said the news wasn't unexpected.
Leighton Holdings pushed up 2.2%, after announcing A$900 million in new contracts, including building a hotel with a joint venture partner in Abu Dhabi.
Retail stocks gained in Seoul, with Lotte Shopping up 5.8% and Hyundai Department Store adding 3.1%. South Korea's Consumer Sentiment Index rose for a fourth-straight month in July to its highest level in seven years, inching up to 109 from 106 in June, the results of a Bank of Korea poll showed.
In currency trading, the U.S. dollar was at Y94.98, from Y94.69 in New York on Friday. The euro bought Y135.34, from Y134.53 in New York, and $1.4241, from $1.4212.
ANZ Senior Dealer Alex Sinton said the U.S. dollar faced several tests in the coming week. "There's probably going to be a few nerves ahead of the U.S. GDP release."
Nymex crude-oil futures rose 66 cents on Globex to $68.71 a barrel, reversing an early decline to $67.68.
Spot gold was up $2.80 from New York, at $954.40 a troy ounce. "Gold remains in a state of flux. It is taking most of its cues from the U.S. dollar, with the [inverse] correlation surging to about 80% last month," said analysts at MKS Finance.